Cell Phone Recycling Business

So many people change their cell phone almost as often as the weather changes. The main reason for this is that new phones with new features are being released all the time, and everyone wants to have the newest model, the coolest features and the best look. What few people think about is what they’ll do with the old one – and all too often it goes in the trash. How long do you think it takes for the component parts of a cell phone to break down in the landfills? Forever, that’s how long.

The Cell Phone Recycling Business is a wonderful concept. What they do is help you sell your old cell phone – often no more than a few months old – for a good cash lump sum. They see that it goes to a worthy cause to raise good money, and that it doesn’t go in the trash. The guide that you will receive tells you exactly what kind of harm disposed cell phones can do to the environment, and why you recycling your phone is the best thing for everyone – you, the recipient and the world in general.

There are some astonishing facts. Did you know that only one per cent of the cell phones in existence since 1995 have been recycled? Think how many cell phones are just sitting in landfills, completely failing to biodegrade and releasing chemicals which poison the environment. You can benefit from recycling your old cell phone, and so can millions of others.